Rocky Mountain Animal Defense Web Log

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Friday, October 22, 2004


Hi, All!

Another busy week at RMAD.

Volunteers Jill Jackson and Jennifer Bailey completed preparations for the Companion Animal flyer distribution set for tomorrow (Saturday, October 23) at Washington Park in Denver. I hope you'll join me there.

Volunteers Ashley Mills and Paula Lewis made progress in our preparations for Fur-Free Friday. Details to follow, but be sure to set aside mid-day November 26 to join us.

RMAD's newest board member, Rev. Jackie Ziegler, appeared in a photo of a massive Boulder demonstration against the current administration's environmental policies. A public access program on Boulder's prairie wildlife, featuring RMAD pro bono attorney Jennifer Melton, continued to air this week. Jennifer did a great job defending RMAD's position on Boulder's wildlife ordinances. RMAD's reasoned and reasonable approach has been articulated well, as affirmed by the post-program comments of the Daily Camera editor, the Colorado Daily
publisher, the Boulder Valley Business Alliance president, and a former city council member.

We supported the Fund for Animals sign-on effort in support of the Captive Mammal Protection Act. We supported the Prairie Dog Coalition in updating its listservs.

We completed a 4000-piece mailing announcing our upcoming Town Meetings (Denver: Nov 11, and Boulder: Nov 12). Our thanks to volunteers Paula Lewis, Zina Mercil, and Tamara Barnes for helping out.

Our thanks to the following volunteer Team Leaders who are helping us move into our next decade of advocacy: Mike Stabler (Nalgene Project); Ruth Baranowski (; Bob Rose (Electronic communications); Jill Bielawski (Publications); Ann Swissdorf (HEALTH Project); Lynee Zajac (; Jennifer Bailey (Companion Animals Program); Ashley Soard (Animals in Entertainment Program); Matt Bear (; and
Linda Rose (Graphic Design). These folks will participate in the Town Meetings.

Chris and I responded to inquiries on prairie wildlife, urban wildlife issues, and farmed animals. We made three referrals to other organizations and enlisted another half dozen volunteers.

That's it for now.

Happy Weekend to you all!

David Crawford, Executive Director
Rocky Mountain Animal Defense


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