Rocky Mountain Animal Defense Web Log

Please join us at for more information and to help us help the animals. Thank you!

Friday, August 25, 2006



As summer quickly begins to wind down, now is a good time to reflect on the victories – both big and small – that have taken place so far this year. The animal advocacy community is growing rapidly and it’s wise for us to reconnect from time to time.

This weekend is filled with events to unite and invigorate activists and all-around friends of the animals. Please take part in one of these events, whether it be tomorrow’s Wear It For The Animals Day or our Vegan Pie Party or the HEALTH Potluck. More information below.

Some good news and some bad news for prairie dogs. It appears Keep Boulder Wild’s efforts to secure a release site for the prairie dogs imperiled at Tom Watson Park have come up short.

The Adams County commissioners have denied our petition to allow prairie dogs to cross their county line. Having exhausted the other identified potential sites, we have nowhere else to turn. The killing could commence at any time. We have not exhausted our legal options, but we are not optimistic about those. We will try to keep you posted on what’s happening at Watson so you can respond how you see fit.

We may have a bit of a reprieve on the Valmont Park prairie dogs. The city manager has indicated a willingness to continue working with us as we attempt to uncover new potential release sites. We will keep you posted.

The good news is that Keep Boulder Wild was able to make a compelling case for non-lethal control at Tuesday’s joint meeting of the Environmental Advisory Board, the Open Space Board of Trustees and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.

Further, it appears our logical proposal that the 10-year review of the larger Grasslands Management Plan be completed before the Urban Wildlife Management Plan gained some traction.

We hope this less than resounding endorsement will give city council pause as it considers the draft plan on Tuesday night (the 29th). Please plan to attend the meeting if you can. Show up at council chambers (sw corner of Broadway and Canyon) between 5pm and 6pm if you wish to speak.

Speaking of prairie dogs, congratulations to Lindsey Sterling Krank and the Prairie Dog Coalition for acquiring their own tax-exempt status! As you may know, RMAD was instrumental in the formation of the PDC and has been their fiscal sponsor since 2001. This is good news not only for the PDC, but for prairie wildlife and prairie wildlife advocates in Colorado and beyond. Good luck!

Have a good weekend!

-- Chris –

Friday, August 11, 2006


August 11, 2006

Welcome to the new RMAD eNews! We’ll be utilizing this format to send out updates every two weeks. In the meantime, please stop by
RMAD’s home page for other updates, especially the RMAD calendar.

The calendar is packed with events, thanks to the continuing efforts of the animal community’s amazing volunteers. Your last weeks of summer will definitely offer many ways to help animals and to meet fellow vegetarians and advocates.

Speaking of volunteers, we’ll be restarting our Bimonthly Meetings in early September. This is your opportunity to get the very latest insight on animal issues of interest to Colorado, from experts both within and outside of RMAD. You’ll also have the chance to meet RMAD volunteers and staff, give us your input, and hear about new programs and volunteer opportunities. Please join us! More information on the RMAD Calendar.

RMAD and Southern Rockies Ecosystem Project are selling a 3-story townhome in Northeast Boulder. You can learn more about the home here. It’s dog-friendly, too. Please circulate this info widely as this sale will benefit two great Colorado-based groups.

Please visit RMAD on MySpace. Be our friend!

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Have a good weekend!
